重组蛋白质是形成DNA的基因的新组合。重组DNA技术允许大量生产野生型和修饰的人类和哺乳动物蛋白质。重组蛋白由克隆的DNA序列制成,这些序列通常编码具有已知功能的酶或蛋白质。 天然蛋白质存在干哺乳动物结缔组织中的胶原蛋白和血浆蛋自中的纤维蛋白材料。指直接从未经过人工合成或提取的蛋白质
货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
pro-001 Recombinant Human Prefoldin Subunit 2 2µg $50 +
pro-002 Recombinant Human Rho GDP Dissociation Inhibitor (GDI) Alpha 5µg $50 +
pro-003 Recombinant Human Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Protein, Beta 5µg $50 +
pro-004 Recombinant Human Parvalbumin 5µg $50 +
pro-005 Recombinant Human TNFAIP3 Interacting Protein 1 1µg $50 +
pro-006 Recombinant Human SH2 domain containing 1A 5µg $50 +
pro-007 Recombinant Human p53 and DNA-Damage Regulated 1 5µg $50 +
pro-008 Recombinant Human RCD1 Required for Cell Differentiation1 5µg $50 +
pro-009 Recombinant Human Kv Channel Interacting Protein 3 5µg $50 +
pro-010 Recombinant Human Phenazine Biosynthesis-Like Protein Domain Containing 5µg $50 +
pro-011 Recombinant Human Replication Protein A2 2µg $50 +
pro-012 Recombinant Human Microtubule-Associated Protein Tau 383 a.a. 2µg $50 +
pro-013 Recombinant Human Signal Recognition Particle 14kDa 5µg $50 +
pro-014 Recombinant Human VAMP Associated Protein B and C 5µg $50 +
pro-015 Recombinant Human IMP3 5µg $50 +
pro-016 Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 14 5µg $50 +
pro-017 Recombinant Human STAM Binding Protein 5µg $50 +
pro-018 Recombinant Human Prion Protein 2  2µg $50 +
pro-019 Recombinant Human CD83 2µg $50 +
pro-020 Recombinant Human Calcium Binding Protein 39 Like 5µg $50 +
pro-021 Recombinant Human Hemoglobin Gamma G 5µg $50 +
pro-022 Recombinant Human MIS12 5µg $50 +
pro-023 Recombinant Human BUB3 5µg $50 +
pro-024 Recombinant Human Cytokine Induced Apoptosis Inhibitor 1 5µg $50 +
pro-025 Recombinant Human V-maf Musculoaponeurotic Fibrosarcoma Oncogene K 5µg $50 +
pro-026 Recombinant Human Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group A 5µg $50 +
pro-027 Recombinant Human Hematological and Neurological Expressed 1-Like 5µg $50 +
pro-028 Recombinant Human Oligonucleotide Binding Fold Containing 1 2µg $50 +
pro-029 Recombinant Human CD32a 2µg $50 +
pro-030 Recombinant Human Tubulin Folding Cofactor E-Like 5µg $50 +
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