货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
abx168533 Rat Endothelin Converting Enzyme 1 (ECE1) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168534 Rat Perforin 1 (PRF1) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168535 Rat Prolactin (PRL) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168536 Rat CASP8 And FADD Like Apoptosis Regulator (CFLAR) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168537 Rat Interleukin 5 (IL5) Protein 50 µg $493 +
abx168538 Rat N-myc Downstream Regulated Gene 2 (NDRG2) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168539 Rat Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 6 (Smad6) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168540 Rat Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 3 (NPR3) Peptide 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168541 Rat Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase (uPA) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168542 Rat Complement Component 1, Q Receptor (C1qR1) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168543 Rat Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 3 (NCOA3) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168544 Rat WNT Inhibitory Factor 1 (WIF1) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168545 Rat Superoxide Dismutase Copper Chaperone (CCS) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168546 Rat Oncoprotein Induced Transcript 3 (OIT3) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168547 Rat HAUS Augmin Like Complex Subunit 7 (HAUS7) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168548 Rat Coupling Factor 6 (CF6) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168550 Rat Cyclic ADP Ribose Hydrolase (CD38) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168551 Rat Platelet Glycoprotein IX (GP9) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168552 Rat Cluster of Differentiation 99 (CD99) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168553 Rat Platelet Glycoprotein IX (GP9) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168554 Rat Cystathionine Gamma Lyase (CSE) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168555 Rat Interleukin 7 (IL7) Protein 50 µg $493 +
abx168556 Rat Interleukin 13 (IL13) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168557 Rat Interleukin 10 (IL10) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168558 Rat Poliovirus Receptor (PVR) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168559 Rat Interleukin 17 Receptor A (IL17RA) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168560 Rat Interferon Alpha 2 (IFNa2) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168561 Rat Interleukin 2 Receptor Alpha (IL2RA) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168562 Rat Interleukin 33 (IL33) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
abx168563 Rat Linker For Activation Of T-Cell (LAT) Protein 10 µg $275.5 +
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