货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
abx262491 Chromosome 9 Open Reading Frame 103 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262492 Zinc Finger, AN1-Type Domain 3 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262493 karyopherin alpha 2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262494 Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Molecule 2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262495 ANAPC13 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262496 TRAF-Interacting Protein With FHA Domain-Containing Protein A (TIFA) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262497 Baculoviral IAP Repeat-Containing 7 (1-280 a.a.) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262498 Beta-Casein (CSN2) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262499 Splicing Factor 3B, 14 kDa Subunit Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262500 MAD2L1 Binding Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262501 Ribosomal Protein L8 (RPL8) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262502 RAS Like Estrogen Regulated Growth Inhibitor (RERG) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262503 Caspase Recruitment Domain Family, Member 18 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262504 Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 101 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262505 Pallidin Homolog Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262506 Myosin Light Chain 9, Regulatory (MYL9) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262507 Melanoma Antigen Family A, 5 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262508 Eyes Absent Homolog 2 (EYA2) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262509 Homer Homolog-2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262510 GNAI3 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262511 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis major secretory protein Antigen 85A Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262512 HAUS Augmin-Like Complex, Subunit 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262513 ADRM1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262514 Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Constant Region gamma 2a Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262515 NFKB Inhibitor Interacting Ras-Like 2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262516 Oral Cancer Overexpressed 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262517 Cysteine and Glycine-rich Protein 2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262518 Thioredoxin-Like 4A Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262519 Centrin-1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx262520 Cysteine-Rich PDZ-Binding Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
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