In the past few years, small RNAs with 15-30 nucleotides in length have been shown biologically significant as ubiquitous, versatile repressors of gene expression. ScienCell Research Laboratories' small RNA is isolated from a wide variety of normal human cell types by Ambion's mirVanaTM miRNA Isolation Kit, which employs an organic extraction followed by immobilization of RNA on glass-fiber filters to purify RNA enriched for small species. The small RNA products are delivered in DEPC-treated water.
货号 | 3017 |
产地 | 美国 |
缩写 | HPMEC-a miRNA |
规格 | 1μg |
用途 | 科研 |
储存 | 液氮 |
运输 | 干冰 |
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货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 | 价格 | 指令 | |
4407 | 人前列腺微血管内皮细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
4415 | 人前列腺上皮细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4417 | 人前列腺上皮细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
4427 | 人前列腺平滑肌细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $340 | + | |
4435 | 人前列腺成纤维细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4437 | 人前列腺成纤维细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
4455 | 人精囊微血管内皮细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4457 | 人精囊腺微血管内皮细胞微小RNA | 1yg、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4465 | 人精囊上皮细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4467 | 人精囊上皮细胞微小RNA | 1ug、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4475 | 人精囊成纤维细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4477 | 人精囊成纤维细胞微小RNA | 1ug、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4505 | 人睾丸内皮细胞总RNA | 10ug | $435.00 | + | |
4515 | 人睾丸间质细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4517 | 人睾丸间质细胞微小RNA | 1ug、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4525 | 人睾丸支持细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4527 | 人睾丸支持细胞微小RNA | 1ug、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4605 | 人颅骨造骨细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4607 | 人颅骨造骨细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
4615 | 人股骨细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4617 | 人股骨成骨微小RNA | 1ug、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4655 | 人关节软骨细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4657 | 人软骨关节微小RNA | 1ug、2ug、5ug | $405.00 | + | |
4705 | 人滑膜细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4707 | 人滑膜细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
4805 | 人髓核细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4807 | 人髓核细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
4815 | 人体椎间盘纤维环细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + | |
4817 | 人体椎间盘纤维环细胞微小RNA | 1μg | $405.00 | + | |
5005 | 人肝窦内皮细胞总RNA | 10 μg | $435.00 | + |