青霉素/链霉素溶液 P/S
Penicillin/Streptomycin Solution
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution is a 5mL 100x solution designed to aid researchers in reducing risks of contamination. It consists of 10,000 units/mL of Penicillin and 10,000 ?g/mL of Streptomycin in saline solution. The penicillin serves as interference in the final stages of synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, while streptomycin binds to the 30S subunit causing a misread. 1mL of Penicillin / Streptomycin Solution is to be used for every 99mL of medium. The solution is sterile filtered through a 0.2μm membrane filter. Formulation Penicillin G Sodium Salt 1 x 107 units / L Streptomycin 10 g/L NaCl 8.5 g/L Specifications Cell Culture Test Pass Endotoxin (EU/ml) <0.5 Sterility Pass
规格5 ml
1.) Khurana S, Hollingsworth A, Piche M, Venkataraman K, Kumar A, Ross GM, Tai TC. (2014) 'Antiapoptotic Actions of Methyl Gallate on Neonatal Rat Cardiac Myocytes Exposed to H 2 O 2.'

2.) Khurana S, Hollingsworth A, Piche M, Venkataraman K, Kumar A, Ross GM, Tai TC. (2014) "Antiapoptotic Actions of Methyl Gallate on Neonatal Rat Cardiac Myocytes Exposed to H 2 O 2."?Oxid med cell longev.?657512.

3.) Zhao N, Watson N, Xu Z, Chen Y, Waterman J, Sankar J, Zhu D. (2014) 'In Vitro Biocompatibility and Endothelialization of Novel Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys for Improved Stent Applications.'

4.) Zeng M, Wei X, Wu Z, Li W, Li B, Fei Y, He Y, Chen J, Wang P, Liu X. (2014) 'Reactive oxygen species contribute to simulated ischemia/reperfusion-induced autophagic cell death in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.'

5.) Yang J, Wang Q, Qiao C, Lin Z, Li X, Huang Y, Zhou T, Li Y, Shen B, Lv M, Feng J. (2014) 'Potent anti-angiogenesis and anti-tumor activity of a novel human anti-VEGF antibody, MIL60.'

6.) Wang Q, Yang J, Tang K, Luo L, Wang L, Tian L, Jiang Y, Feng J, Li Y, Shen B, Ly M, Huang Y. (2014) 'Pharmacological characteristics and efficacy of a novel anti-angiogenic antibody FD006 in corneal neovascularization.'

7.) Holton SE, Bergamaschi A, Katzenellenbogen BS, Bhargava R. (2014) 'Integration of Molecular Profiling and Chemical Imaging to Elucidate Fibroblast-Microenvironment Impact on Cancer Cell Phenotype and Endocrine Resistance in Breast Cancer.'

8.) Guo W, Ding J, Zhang A, Dai W, Liu S, Diao Z, Wang L, Han X, Liu W. (2014) 'The Inhibitory Effect of Quercetin on Asymmetric Dimethylarginine-Induced Apoptosis Is Mediated by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Glomerular Endothelial Cells.'

9.) AbuBakar S, Shu MH, Johari J, Wong PF. (2014) 'Senescence Affects Endothelial Cells Susceptibility to Dengue Virus Infection.'

10.) AbuBakar S, Shu MH, Johari J, Wong PF. (2014) "Senescence Affects Endothelial Cells Susceptibility to Dengue Virus Infection."?Int j med sci. 11: 538.

11.) Guo W, Ding J, Zhang A, Dai W, Liu S, Diao Z, Wang L, Han X, Liu W. (2014) "The Inhibitory Effect of Quercetin on Asymmetric Dimethylarginine-Induced Apoptosis Is Mediated by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Glomerular Endothelial Cells."?Int j mol sci.?15: 484-503.

12.) Holton SE, Bergamaschi A, Katzenellenbogen BS, Bhargava R. (2014) "Integration of Molecular Profiling and Chemical Imaging to Elucidate Fibroblast-Microenvironment Impact on Cancer Cell Phenotype and Endocrine Resistance in Breast Cancer."?PloS one?9: e96878.

13.) Wang Q, Yang J, Tang K, Luo L, Wang L, Tian L, Jiang Y, Feng J, Li Y, Shen B, Ly M, Huang Y. (2014) "Pharmacological characteristics and efficacy of a novel anti-angiogenic antibody FD006 in corneal neovascularization."?BMC biotechnol. 14: 17.

14.) Yang J, Wang Q, Qiao C, Lin Z, Li X, Huang Y, Zhou T, Li Y, Shen B, Lv M, Feng J. (2014) "Potent anti-angiogenesis and anti-tumor activity of a novel human anti-VEGF antibody, MIL60."?Cell molimmunol. 11: 285-93.

15.) Zeng M, Wei X, Wu Z, Li W, Li B, Fei Y, He Y, Chen J, Wang P, Liu X. (2014) "Reactive oxygen species contribute to simulated ischemia/reperfusion-induced autophagic cell death in human umbilical vein endothelial cells."?Med scimonit.?20: 1017-23.

16.) Zhao N, Watson N, Xu Z, Chen Y, Waterman J, Sankar J, Zhu D. (2014) "In Vitro Biocompatibility and Endothelialization of Novel Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys for Improved Stent Applications." PloS one. 9: e98674.

17.) Zhang L, Webster TJ. (2013) "Effects of chemically modified nanostructured PLGA on functioning of lung and breast cancer cells."?Int J Nanomedicine. 8: 1907-19.

18.) Wallet MA, Calderon NL, Alonso TR, Choe CS, Catalfamo DL, Lalane CJ, Naiva KG, Panagakos F, Wallet SM. (2013) ?Triclosan alters antimicrobial and inflammatory responses of epithelial cells.??Oral dis.?19: 296-302.

19.) Rabineau M, Kocgozlu L, Dujardin D, Senger B, Haikel Y, Voegel JC, Freund JN, Schaaf P, Lavalle P, Vautier D. (2013) 'Contribution of Soft Substrates to Malignancy and Tumor Suppression during Colon Cancer Cell Division.'

20.) Minakawa Y, Kasamatsu A, Koike H, Higo M, Nakashima D, Kouzu Y, Sakamoto Y, Ogawara K, Shiiba M, Tanzawa H,Uzawa K. (2013) 'Kinesin Family member 4A: A Potential Predictor for Progression of Human Oral Cancer.'

21.) Minakawa Y, Kasamatsu A, Koike H, Higo M, Nakashima D, Kouzu Y, Sakamoto Y, Ogawara K, Shiiba M, Tanzawa H,Uzawa K. (2013) "Kinesin Family member 4A: A Potential Predictor for Progression of Human Oral Cancer."?PloS one. 8: e85951.

22.) Rabineau M, Kocgozlu L, Dujardin D, Senger B, Haikel Y, Voegel JC, Freund JN, Schaaf P, Lavalle P, Vautier D. (2013) "Contribution of Soft Substrates to Malignancy and Tumor Suppression during Colon Cancer Cell Division."?PloS one. 8: e78468.
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货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
0103 胰酶/EDTA消化液 0.25% 100 ml $24 +
0123 非酶细胞裂解液 ECDS 100ml $24 +
0143 无血清细胞冻存液 CFM-sf 50ml $57 +
0173 大豆胰蛋白酶抵制剂 STI 50ml $218 +
0183 胰酶/EDTA消化液0.05% 100 ml $17 +
0203 台盼蓝 TB 50 ml $13 +
0303 磷酸盐缓冲液 DPBS 500ml $18 +
0313 平衡盐溶液 HBSS 500ml $22 +
0403 多聚赖氨酸 PLL 1 mg/ml $18 +
0413 多聚赖氨酸 PLL 10 mg/ml $66 +
0423 0.2%明胶溶液(无菌) GSN 100 ml $7 +
0503 青霉素/链霉素溶液 P/S 5 ml $9 +
0513 青霉素/链霉素溶液 P/S 100 ml $24 +
0523 抗真菌溶液 AMS 50 ml $30 +
0533 抗霉菌溶液 ABAMS 50 ml $35 +
0543 嘌呤霉素 PURO-10 10ml $255 +
0553 嘌呤霉素 PURO-1 1 ml $30 +
0563 支原体抑制剂溶液 MIS 10 ml $113 +
0600 细胞培养超纯水 CCGW 500 ml $14 +
0803 胰岛素铁硒传递蛋白 ITS 10 ml $51 +
0813 谷氨酰胺溶液 L-Glu 100ml $27 +
0823 非必需氨基酸100X NEAA 100 ml $14 +
0863 (0.2%)肝素 HEP 5 ml $97 +
0893 葡萄糖溶液 GS 100 ml $30 +
5803 人胚胎干细胞解离液 StemDS 100 ml $50.00 +
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